Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thomas Merton and tequila

I have decided to start writing with capital letters because I recently had a conversation with an excellent fellow blogger and friend ( that brought to light how seriously I do not take my blog entries. That might not be fair to say. I do take them seriously, but I try not to put too much pressure on myself, or else I wont post anything. The more I believe a post needs to be perfect, the less likely I am to sit down and write it. So, I try to have a somewhat careless approach. Also, I would be lying if I didn't admit that, along with the increased frequency of posting, the careless approach also helps me to avoid disappointment when a piece is not met with the enthusiasm that I had envisioned for it. Avoid a little, anyway.

My new offering to the serious blogging world is capital letters. That, and I am going to try to post more often than I do. It's good for me.

I feel better already.

Tonight, I'd like to speak to you about my life in terms of a Venn diagram.

Throughout my life, I've had the privilege of building relationships with a great variety of people. This was almost entirely due to my constantly changing educational environment: Christian, secular, private, public, boarding, tiny, big, at home, and abroad are all words that describe my education at one time or another. I don't regret this. If you ever see my mother, tell her that I said this. I think she is afraid that I hold some grudge about having been to 8 different schools before high school. I don't. It was, for the most part, fun. If being the new kid is an art, then in my prime, I was Botticelli. Except, without the naked women. That would have been inappropriate. I became pretty good at reading people, discerning what they wanted, what they valued, interpreting reactions, etc. (These skills would later serve me well in customer service-type jobs.)

What does all of this have to do with a Venn diagram? Well, because I learned how to make the outsider-insider transition at an early age, and with all sorts of circles, I have always found myself drawn to different groups at once, able to see the merit of multiple social codes/sets of values. And right along with these many people have come ideas and interests, as varied and conflicting as the people by whom they are presented. Be it over tequila shots or a Thomas Merton piece, I have found stimulation and growth in expected and unexpected places. For the most part, this is great. I find myself with many friends and even more acquaintances.

And now you're asking yourself "Well then, what's the problem?" Of course there's a problem, or I wouldn't be writing about this. And, further more, I have yet to explain the Venn diagram connection, even though I began this last paragraph in a way that would lead one to believe that an explanation was coming. (In my defense, I thought it was.)

Here it is: I feel like the section in the middle - the oddly-shaped piece that is shared by both circles. This piece represents the common ground. That's all well and good, but what identity does that piece have beyond the fact that it holds the common elements? It has nothing of it's own, and it doesn't really belong wholly to either circle. If it went to a party in one circle, it would belong, sure, but would always stick out at least a little bit.

Like Popeye said, I am who I yam, and I don't want to change it. But, those little pieces of me that don't fit, wherever I am, the ones that always want to be somewhere else, the ones that can make dating and building strong friendships hard, the ones that I'm certain other people always notice, they sometimes make me melancholy.


  1. Love this! I feel this way too... of course, we're probably differently shaped middle pieces, but that's okay.

  2. oh good, I thought you meant ALL capital letters

  3. That kinda reminds me of the end of Mere Christianity where Lewis talks about the hallway and the rooms and how you shouldn't just hang out in the hallway of Mere Christianity

  4. ok. so. before i get to the crux of the response i just want to say. how ridiculous! i never use capital letters. i also purposefully use punctuation (especially periods) inappropriately. i do it for a reason. to make. a. point. i dont believe that it makes me take my blogs less seriously. in fact i feel as though it makes my blog MORE serious. its an expression. an art form. i look at it as "poetic liberty".

    besides ... it's my hot[blog]. i do what i want!

    i understand what you mean about not fitting. I've always been a "floater" ... as in. im in different circles. which has caused a lot of lachrymose feelings in the past. to have lots of "friends" but, to feel as though i had no friends. it made it hard. awkward. difficult to be "vulnerable" or "transparent" or whatever adjective you want to use. because what if i showed them that weird corner that kind of sticks out and doesnt fit neatly? or that awkward inverted nub that makes conversation sometimes uncomfortable? what then? would they call me "weird corner girl" or "nubbin" and then shun me? it feels as though im some oddly shaped puzzle piece that used to belong to a puzzle, but was forgotten when the rest was put away. most likely stuck underneath the leg of the table, or underneath the sofa.


    i'm beginning to wonder if thats how everyone feels. as though they have parts that just dont fit. maybe. maybe not.

    regardless, i like my awkward shaped friends. even if i am self concious about my awkward-shape-e-ness. in away i kind of like it. at any rate, its a nice filter to find the right people. for friends. or whatever.

    and i know i cant speak for everyone, but. i think you are fabulous. every single piece. :)
