writing helps me process things, to sort things that just muddle my thoughts. if you don't write, this probably doesn't make sense. how does writing down a thought make it more clear than just thinking it? i'm not sure, but i'm glad that it does, where would we be if no one had ever written down their thoughts? nowhere good, i assure you.
i sigh a sigh of relief because i journalled through college - getting my writing fix almost every night. since graduation, i have had a strange aversion to my journal, almost like the act belongs in a life past, and maybe it does. more likely than not, a season of journalling will return to me, but until then, i sigh because i will blog. here, i will write about the things that are shaping me, or even just irking me. i don't care if anyone reads it. actually, that's not entirely true because i am a bit vain and would like to think that people care about my thoughts, but this is truly more theraputic than anything else.
let me start by introducing my life as it stands at this very moment:

i was fired twice before some of my classmates found a job. at the times of these terminations, i was quite sad. in retrospect, i think i was most sad because i take great issue with people expressing disapproval regarding myself. i do, afterall, spend a great deal of energy to be well-liked. i certainly wasn't quite sad to lose either of the jobs - they were kinds of hateful places that were bad for my soul.
ironically, i now work a great deal. i have a full time office job at a publishing company in durham and a part-time table-waiting job at a restaurant in chapel hill. i enjoy it all - my work, my co-workers, my paychecks.

i appreciate my church. it is a good church with good people and good intentions - a heart for social justice that i find refreshing. i have done my best to 'plug in'. i sing occasionally and have tried to be an academic tutor for the highschool students. i say i tried because i just recently gave it up after realizing that i had become an unreliable member of many things. i would rather be a solid member of a few things, so that is my latest campaign. it is a painful one because i do not like to quit things.
well, that is all i have to say about that. there will be much more to come, but as an introductory blog, i think this will suffice. . .
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