things i accomplished in the 23rd year:
- graduating from college
- writing, self-publishing and distributing a book (of sorts - stories can be found here:
- submitting said book for publication and being offered a contract
- choosing not to accept said contract for artistic purist reasons :)
- seeing the weddings of a best friend and a brother
- settling into 2 jobs that i enjoy
- paying parental debt/rent/cell phone/car insurance/student loan bills for the first, second, third . . . . times
- playing several successful shows with oscar begat
- finding a new church
- writing a script and narrating for a short film (
- taking my neices to their first play and throwing their first slumber party
things i wish i hadn't accomplished in the 23rd year:
- graduating from college
- being rejected from teach for america
- moving so far away from some of the people i love the most
- having 6 different jobs
- being fired twice
- seeing the decline/death of my laptop and automobile
- seeing the weddings of a best friend and a brother
- missing a wedding in michigan, and a chance to see my kindred oxonians
things i hope to accomplish in the 24th year
- buying a car (maybe a computer, but probably not. i know these are 'hopes', but let's be serious)
- paying off parental/credit cardal debt completely
- writing a song
- keeping both jobs that i enjoy
- taking the GRE at least once
- reading good books
- going back to europe, at least for a bit
- making plans to move or being accepted to grad school in NC
- going on a date : )
- going to california
- growing my hair super-hippie-long
- submitting my short stories to a literary magazine
- playing out by myself
i guess i could go on and on for any of these lists, but i'll stop here.
thank you for everyone who made this 23rd year of my life a great one, and to all of those who will make the next one even better : )
if you have any additions to any of my lists, please let me know.
to do:
ReplyDeleteaccompany scot on part of his roadtrip to visit SCIO folk.