Yesterday, Friday, we arrived at RDU around 4:40pm to learn that our first flight (to Heathrow) had been delayed. Not a big deal. We both computered and ate some of the plane picnic Alaina had prepared until it was time to board around 7:30pm. Nothing remarkable happened on our first flight, apart from Alaina seeing Taken for the first time and both of us being reminded of two things 1) we should avoid being taken during our trip and 2) if we are taken, we should call Liam Neeson.
Oh, and this was a red eye flight. We spent about six hours traveling in the opposite direction of the sun, so by the time we arrived in London, it was after 8:00am there and we had only slept a couple of hours, maybe. Please take note of my exhausted (do not mistake it for pensive) expression here, and this was mid-latte.
(I also purchased a particular eyebrow pencil at Boots because I remember getting one when I was living in England in 2007 and I haven't found an as-good and reasonably-priced one in the States yet. I guess Americans don't have as great an appreciation for a strong brow.)
Our second flight was only a couple of hours - London to Oslo. Each of us slept a bit more, thought probably not a full hour. When we arrived in Oslo, it was after 1pm. At customs, the guard asked what I was doing in Norway and I shrugged and looked back at Alaina. I'm glad he chose to laugh at me instead of detain me for being suspicious.
Our lovely hosts greeted us and drove us to our hotel. We were supposed to stay in the city-center Radisson, but the plan was changed and instead, we're staying at a more quaint and local-feeling establishment. We are pleased. See photo.
After the market, we had some more substantial food, drank some americanos, and then walked around a few lovely parks. One was home to several statues of naked humans engaging in a variety of activities. One of them, I suppose, looked cold, and so some concerned passerby donated a hat to the cause.
Another of the naken human statues was a very upset baby (the most famous of the naked human statues), but there was nothing to be done for him.
As for non-naked human statue-related entertainment, there was a large group of Norwegian youth dressed up like characters from Grease, carrying around a boom box (yes) playing the soundtrack, and singing along quite loudly in unison. Still not sure what that was about.
And, for balance, here is a photo of a park just being typical and beautiful.
Once our tour was finished, we spent a bit of time in our hotel room (I tried to nap, but was mostly afraid that I would not wake up for days. Remember, less than 3 hours of sleep and lots of walking in the cold.) before attending a youth worship service and then returning to our hotel, where we are now.
Goodnight, until tomorrow, assuming I wake up for it.
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